Journal of Forensic Investigation
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Research Article
The Impact of Culture and Belief in So-Called Honour Killings A Comparative Study between Honour Murders and other Perpetrators of Violence in Germany
Kizilhan JI1,2*
1Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychotraumtology, University of
Duhok, Iraq
2Institute of Transcultural Health Science, State University Baden-
Württemberg, Germany
*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Kizilhan JI, State University Baden-Württemberg Schramberger
Str. 26, D-78054 Villingen-Schwenningen,Germany, Tel:4977203906-
217;Fax: 497720 3906-219; Email:
Submission: 19 August, 2019;
Accepted: 28 August, 2019;
Published: 03 September, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Kizilhan JI, et al. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Although the experts assume that, in addition to general
psychosocial stress, culture-specific and migration-related factors
play a part in the criminal tendencies of migrants, there has not
been much research done to date on the special situation of those
persons committing honour killings. This study starts from the premise
that these perpetrators have a patriarchal-religious mind-set and
have developed a conception of “honour”. In connection with
biographical stresses they are more willing to injure or kill other people
if the values and standards they believe in are not respected. We
interviewed 41 men with a Turkish background between 18and 35in
Germany who had killed other persons who they thought had violated
their concept of honour and who then had been convicted of murder
or manslaughter (“honour killers”). The two control groups comprised
44 criminals with an ethnic Turkish background who were in prison on
charges of using violence without causing death and 40 prisoners who
had been convicted of murder or manslaughter for other reasons.
To ascertain the respective motives for their actions, we used semistandardised
interviews in jails. Compared to the control groups, the
group of honour killers revealed significant differences as regards
ethnicity and socialisation, structural violence in their country of origin
and stresses within the family. We found a correlation between the
parameters “reinforcement through the social milieu” and “costbenefit
considerations”, “ancestry and socialisation” and “structural
violence”. In the case of the honour killers we found strong patriarchalreligious
cognitions with structural violence which triggered actionoriented
and target-oriented aggression when the person concerned
felt that the standards and values which he believed in, had been
Honour killings; Psycho-social stress; Culture, Aggression; Beliefs
According to the 2010 United Nations Population Fund Activities
(UNPFA) at least 5,000 women and girls worldwide are killed
annually in the name of honour. These so-called honour killings are
not a religious but rather a social phenomenon: It is true that they
frequently occur in Islamic countries, yet they are not confined to
these [1,2]. Women and girls in at least 14 countries are affected,
including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Germany, Ecuador, Italy,
Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon [3,4].
Above all, so-called honour killings occur in traditional societies
whose members have a patriarchal-archaic notion of honour linked to religious elements [5]. In traditional societies with patriarchal
values and norms, women embody honour in a narrower sense.
The expression of a women’s honour, and therefore the family’s
honour, is sexual integrity, i.e. chastity and being faithful in marriage.
The whole family, represented by the head of the household as the
boss, is responsible for the maintenance of women’s honour [6].
In patriarchal societies honour is closely connected to sexuality.
Extramarital sexual activity endangers the social order: This is why
Islam gives clear instructions on how men and women are to behave
within and outside marriage [7].
The top priority – and the men’s task – is the protection and
preservation of honour. As head of the household the father must
ensure that the family’s honour is protected in public. The sons see
themselves – and are brought up in this way – to be their sisters’
protectors, protectors of their honour, which could be violated, for
example, by their relationship with a man [8,9]. This constant fear
and insecurity results in the brothers’ exercising control over the
young girls and sometimes even monitoring their movements–
particularly in an environment which is differently oriented from
a religious-cultural point of view. This can have a considerable
influence on the relationships between the siblings and in the whole
family [10]. Since there is a homogeneous set of values in traditional
village communities, such controls are not as necessary as in other
environments, and breaches of the rules are quite rare.
In the case of so-called honour killings, for example the German
Criminal Code does not explicitly refer for exemaple to human rights,
but rather discusses morality and legality, and can classify them as
deviating values of a cultural minority, e.g. “ honour killings “. Moral
beliefs of the perpetrator that contradict those of the majority are
just as irrelevant in criminal law as ideas that overlap with those of
the majority. Honour killings are seen as murders and sentenced
according to the German Penal Code [11].
In many other countries, the so-called honour killings still were
not treated as a violation of human rights but were treated as normal crimes by the respective national legislators. It is only the pressure
from numerous human rights organisations during the last years
which has brought about a greater readiness to view this issue from
the perspective of human rights [12]. For example, over the last
ten years in Turkey some civil rights movements have dealt more
intensively with the topic. On 08.03.2005 the Turkish newspaper
Hürriyet reported on the work of KAMER, the women’s centre in
Diyarbakir, and that up to then some 6,902 women had been to the
centre to report violence in the immediate or in the extended family.
According to information provided by the centre, 100% of these
women were suffering from mental health problems; some 58% had
suffered physical violence and 13.7% had experienced rape. More
than 65 women with strong suicidal tendencies had sought help at
the centre, 63 of these are being accommodated in an unknown and
safe place because of the fear that they could be killed on account
of the possible violation of honour and blood vengeance. In a study
conducted by the University of Diyarbakir in 2005, 430 people were
asked about the topic of honour killing. 78% men and 22% women
were randomly chosen from one of the more affluent parts of the
town. They were asked what should be done if a woman enters into
an extramarital affair with a man. 37.4% advocated having the woman
killed. However, 16% called for only a punishment. The punishment
under consideration was physical injury and mutilation e.g. cutting
the ears or the nose. Regarding the question as to who should inflict
this punishment, 64% voted for the husband. 25% of those interviewed
advocated divorce through the proper legal channels [13].
Such honour killings are not only carried out in the home
country, but also in the country of migration. According to a Federal
Criminal Police (2011), between 1996 and 2005 in Germany alone, at
least 55 such murders and attempted murders took place, with a total
of 70 victims, of which48 were female and 22 male. 36 women and 12
men were killed [14]. The killers considered that the female victims
had had an extramarital affair, either before marriage (virginity) or
with a man of a different religion. The male victims, as a rule, were
murdered by members of the woman’s family or other close family
members of the woman with whom they had had an affair. There are
isolated cases of female killers. They kill for the same reasons, namely
what they believe to be a violation of honour [15,16] reports that
the perpetrators say they felt a deep inner urge to carry out the act
and that they had lost their inner peace, that the other person had
challenged them and that they would have lost their own honour if
they had not carried out the act. From what we can conclude from
this investigation we can say that, as a rule, the perpetrators give
emotional and psychological reasons for their acts. Honour killings
for material, political or religious reasons were not considered
Possible approaches from a criminal-psychological perspective:
Criminal-psychological research tries to understand acts of
violence, amongst other things, as the result of an interactive
process involving the personality of the individual perpetrator and
the facts of the situation at the time [18]. The present study uses the
action-theoretical and motivation-psychological models and the
interpretations of several authors. These can possibly explain some
differences regarding the planning, the controlled implementation
and the emotional state before and after the act, in the case of bodily harm, robbery or the emotional intimacy to the victim [19-21]. Common to these approaches, crimes can be considered as acts which serve to reach a target and/or to solve a problem. [22]
showed, for instance, that young murderers decide to commit an act
at short notice and do not plan carefully over a longer time. [23-25]
made it clear that robberies were often prepared without considering
any details and at short notice. The perpetrator, however, usually
believes that he planned the act thoroughly. [20] established the link
between poor preparation and the use of violence. He explained
that the escalation which is often observed in acts of violence was
due to poor preparation. According to Simons, the pressure to act
makes the perpetrator hurry and gives him no time to prepare. This
and other investigations show how important it is to include actiontheoretical
concepts in order to make criminal acts of violence more
understandable [26-28].In the scientific literature, criminal acts of violence are
understood as a sub-group of violent actions. Violent actions in turn
can be understood as a sub-section of aggressive actions. The border
between aggression and violence is not clear; the concept of “violence”
tends to be reserved for extreme forms of aggressive actions, that is,
for aggressive actions leading to the greater probability of significant
injuries to the victim [29]. As a sub-group of violent actions, criminal
acts of violence comprise violent actions forbidden by the state under
the threat of punishment. In criminology literature, a “criminal act”
is frequently referred to simply as a “crime”. According to [30], crime
is an extremely valueless and socially deviant kind of behaviour. The
various forms of crime are defined in legal terms in the criminal code
(StGB); this investigation is oriented towards the legal definitions
contained in the code.
The reasons for committing a criminal offence are many, for
migrants and indigenous people alike. In various studies, cultural and
migration-related stress has also been discussed [31]. The deprivation
theory as an explanatory approach focuses in particular on the
migrants’ socio-structural situation. The argument goes that they are
often disadvantaged since they more rarely have secondary education
qualifications and are employed in the low-paid sector. This is not
only a problem because they earn below-average wages but also
because their jobs are less secure. For this reason migrants are more
often affected by unemployment and receive social security benefits.
They are not able to reach their personal targets by their own
means. This causes frustration and is compensated for by acquiring
the necessary means in a different way, among other things by
robbery and theft [32]. The theory assumes that migrants are more
conspicuous and attract attention because of their marginalised
social situation. In the same situation German people would probably
behave in exactly the same deviant way.
Cultural explanations augment this point of view. They
concentrate not only on the marginalised economic situation but
also on specific orientations within the migrant groups. According to
the sub-culture theory and the theory of cultural conflict, not all the
norms and values of a society are valid to the same degree in all social
circles. This can be amply illustrated by considering the understanding
of honour, as discussed earlier. Migrants do not simply drop such
cultural convictions when they come to Germany. To date there
have been no scientific studies on the perpetrators who have killed somebody whom they believe has violated honour. For this reason,
in this study we want to investigate, by means of direct questioning,
the cognitive processes, the possible stress factors and the purpose
of the crime. The Rubicon model of action phases [33] was used as a
framework model with special reference to honour killers. The model
uses four definable phases which are necessary to reach a desired
aim. They are choosing, planning, enacting and evaluating, in each
case with a specific mind-set. The concept of the “pre-scene” by [34]
was complemented in order to provide some inner structure to the
enaction phase.
Random Test:
For purposes of comparison we questioned 65 male test persons
of Turkish descent about the crime they had committed and their
biographical details. The random test was divided into the following
three categories of crime: so-called honour killers (N = 21), violence
not resulting in death(N=24) and murder or manslaughter for other
reasons(N = 20). In the case of the last group we tried to exclude
any possibly latent honour killing by means of pre-interviews and
inspection of the person’s file. The so-called honour killers were
convicted pursuant to §§ 211 and 212 of the criminal code (StGB), the
group violence not resulting in death pursuant to §§ 223, 224, 226, 229
and 231 of the criminal code and the group murder or manslaughter
for other reasons pursuant to §§ 211 and 212 of the criminal code. To
enable a better comparison of the groups and to avoid any possible
interferences (ethnic and religious differences as regards values and
norms such as a different understanding of honour in the case of
the Alevs or other non-muslim groups from the Middle East etc.),
we selected only ethnic Turkish perpetrators belonging to the Sunni
faith. No female test persons were found for the group investigated.At the time of the investigation the test persons were in prison
and were interviewed there. They had all committed their crime
aged between 18and 35years old. As the reason for their action the
honour killer group gave the violation of honour as they perceived it;
the group violence not resulting in death substantiated their actions
with uncontrolled aggression (43%), robbery and deception (33%)
and relationship problems (24%). Violations of honour which could
possibly have been the cause of the crime in both control groups were
excluded by means of pre-interviews and by consulting the case files.
The group murder or manslaughter for other reasons gave robbery and deception (60%) and uncontrolled aggression (40%) as the
motive for their crime.
The mean age of the ethnic Turkish group of honour killers was
34.4 years (standard deviation = 10.4); the youngest person was 18,
the oldest 40. The mean age of the murder or manslaughter for other
reasons group was29.4 years (SD = 9.2); the youngest was 20, the
oldest 36. The violence not resulting in death group had a mean age of
23.5 years (SD = 5.1); the youngest person was20, the oldest 33.
The honour killers group had attended school for an average of5.1
years, the group murder or manslaughter for other reasons 5.7 years
and the group violence not resulting in death 8.1 years. The honour
killers group had been living in Germany for an average of 21.3years,
the murder or manslaughter for other reasons group for 21.7years and
the violence not resulting in death group for 19.1years. In the group
violence not resultign death 2 Person and in the group murderoder
mansllaughter 3 Persons had a history of mental illnes without any
effect on their judgment or live in prison (Table 1). The court files gave
information on the type and method of killing and the relationship
of the perpetrator to the victim. The violence not resulting in death
group had no family ties to the victim and the instruments were so
varied and numerous that we could not adequately compare them
with the other two groups.
Data Material and Processing:
The data on which the analysis is based was gathered between
May 2018 and May 2019. This time span was necessary in order
to locate the so-called honour killers via the courts and prisons, to
overcome the many legal hurdles and to obtain the perpetrators’
consent to being interviewed (Table 2). Test persons for the group
to be investigated were found by means of media research, contact to expert testifiers and judges. Those test persons in the groups who said
they had not carried out a crime on account of a perceived violation
of honour were excluded from the study. With the help of a semistandardised
interview, we asked a total of 65 perpetrators in various
prisons in the whole of Germany about the crime they had committed
and about their biographical background. Prior to this, we looked at
the court sentences. To enable a statistical analysis, answers were
coded and dichotomised according to fixed contextual criteria. The
variables obtained were summarised as per [37] and later according
to [38] according to thematic considerations in 14 quasi scales (Table 3).We also considered the variable reinforcement by the social
environment. We included this variable if the social environment
(family, relatives, friends or members of a community) reinforced the
test person’s intentions, praised him for his actions during his time in
prison or during the court hearing and gave him recognition (e.g. a
visit from his family of origin, presents etc.).
The choice of variables which we considered relevant were
based, in particular, on the work of [39-41]. We added questions
which oriented towards the Rubicon model of action phases of [42]
and expanded them to include culture-specific aspects. We devised
open and closed interview questions for each topic area which we
considered relevant. The answers to the closed interview questions
were binary coded. For example, if the answer to the question “Has
anybody in your family been in prison?” was “Yes”, we coded it with a
“1”, and for “No”, we coded it “0”. The coded answers then formed the variable for the “Imprisonment of family members” item. Whenever
possible, the criterion variables constructed in this way were then
summarised according to content and statistical criteria to form quasi
scales (“feature groups”). By summarising the individual features to
make quasi scales, each test person could be given a total score for
each quasi scale. The groups were then compared based on the total
scores. For the scale level of the quasi scales we adopted the ordinal
scale. After we had compiled the quasi scales according to content
critera, we carried out an item analysis to establish the legitimacy of
these post hoc compiled feature groups. As a measure of the inner
consistency, we calculated the selectivity (degree of separation) of the
individual features and as the form of the reliability analysis for each
quasi scale Alpha according to Cronbach. The statistical comparison
of the groups on the 14 point quasi scale was done with a ranking test
for ordinally-scaled variables (Chi2 – test as per van-der-Waerden)
on the 5 per cent significance level.
Comparison of the three perpetrator groups regarding
biographical stress factors
The ranking comparison regarding the accumulation of
biographical stress features led to a significant result in all three
groups investigated. The honour killers reported religious-patriarchal
notions to a significantly more frequent degree, saying that to uphold
and maintain honour had been at the centre of their upbringing
(recorded on the quasi scale Origin and Socialisation). At the same time, many of these test persons said they had experienced violence
at the hands of soldiers, the army, parents or teachers in their home
country (Table 4).
Table 4: Medians of thenumber of applicable features for the six scales on the perpetrators’ biographical features.
Table 5: Medians of the number of applicable features for the scale “cost-benefit consideration” and “intensity of offence anticipation”.
Table 6: Medians of the number of applicable features forscale 12 “conflict-aggravating incidents”, scale 13 “features of threat and insecurity” and scale 14 “disorder
in post-offence behaviour”.
Cognitive features, behavioural patterns and incidents preceding the offence:
The statistical comparison of the three perpetrator groups
regarding conflict-aggravating incidents and behaviour preceding
the offence led to significant results in respect of the scale cost-benefit
considerations, changes prior to the offence and intensity of offence
anticipation (Table 5). There were no significant results in respect of
alcohol and drug consumption preceding the offence and economic
deprivation.Threat and Insecurity:
The three perpetrator groups differed significantly regarding
conflict-aggravating incidents (Scale 12) in the pre-scene, features
of threat and insecurity(Scale 13) and disorder in post-offence
behaviour(Scale 14) (Table 6).Social Environment:
We also investigated reinforcement from the social environment.
Here there was a significant connection between the feature
reinforcement from the social environment and the scaleres toring
honour and structural violence (Table 7). Table 6: Medians of the number of applicable features for scale 12 “conflict-aggravating
incidents”, scale 13 “features of threat and insecurity” and scale 14
“disorder in post-offence behaviour”Discussion
The ranking comparisons for the accumulation of biographical
stress factors indicate that the three perpetrator groups were exposed
to varying degrees of unfavourable socialisation conditions. For the
group murder or manslaughter for other reasons severe stress was
prevalent in all the biographical areas under investigation. In contrast,
the group violence not resulting in death had the fewest biographical
stress factors. The honour killers revealed the highest degree of stress
above all in the case of structural violence. These test persons had
also had a strongly patriarchal-religious upbringing. The benefits
of restoring honour by means of the offence and thereby getting
recognition from the social group had a higher value than the risk of
being arrested and possibly being economically disadvantaged as a
result. The links between reinforcement from the social environment
and the scales restoration of honour and structural violence revealed
important effects. Increased unfavourable biographical peculiarities
in the case of the honour killers compared to other perpetrators
were not confirmed, since the perpetrators of violence not resulting
in death, especially when comparing family stress factors and the
features of their criminal career, also revealed high values. The
key to understanding perpetrators who kill somebody whom they believe has violated honour could possibly be found however in the
patriarchal-religious upbringing of those concerned together with
violence as an educative method in the broader society (school, army,
parents, war zone) in their country of origin. With regard to the
scales of weighing up the consequences (cost-benefit considerations)
and planning the crime (intensity of offence anticipation), the
results showed a division into two of the three perpetrator groups.
In the days and weeks before the crime the honour killers thought
more elaborately about their crime than the other two groups.
We assume that the collective contributes in a decisive way to the
crime in the case of a perceived violation of honour. The subsequent
perpetrator is much more preoccupied with the possible offence in
his environment and the discussion in the community regarding
violation and restoration of honour finally leads to the enaction
of the crime [43,44]. The group murder or manslaughter for other
reasons was also primarily concerned with the planning and possible
consequences, albeit significantly less than the honour killers. They
displayed a less emotional approach, weighed up various alternatives,
in some cases thought intensively about the risk of the crime and the
punishment and imagined the course of the act and any problems and
obstacles which might arise there from [45]. The group violence not
resulting in death thought less about the possible consequences of the
crime. These consequences hardly seemed to have been anticipated
and planned, but displayed the characteristics of a spontaneous
“impulsive act”. The less the course of the act was anticipated and
the less was thought about the cost-benefit aspect, the more likely it
was that, after the act, the perpetrator was reminded by unexpected
events later which made him insecure. From a theoretical point of
view this can be interpreted by the fact that the honour killers used
violence from the standpoint of an expected event and experienced
fewer target conflicts. Accordingly, the perpetrators behaved more
calmly and less chaotically after the act. In general we can, with care,
assume that crimes carried out on the basis of a perceived honour
violation lead to fewer situations of surprise from which further
acts of violence can develop [46]. It appears difficult to prevent such
acts since the perpetrators are in most cases directly related to the
victims and have shown hardly any criminal activity beforehand [47].
However, their strong patriarchal-religious perception of honour is
recognisable. It is important for advisors, police officers, physicians
and psychotherapists to take down an exact record of the case history
in its transcultural context duringany contact with advice centres,
in medical-psychological investigations or in a case where a person
affected reports the possible act to the police, prior to such a crime
being committed [48]. For instance, by means of a special interview
approach, the interviewer could ask questions to find out whether
there was a rigid family structure and about the importance of honour
for the family. Human rights organisations in the countries of origin
are unambiguously and strictly against any reduced or commuted
sentences for such perpetrators [49].
It shows that many prevention and support measures still need to
be taken to prevent honour crimes both in the countries of origin and in migration. Not only the possible perpetrators, but also society as a
whole must be involved, as they consciously or unconsciously create
social pressure and tolerate these acts. In this context, it is necessary
to change the traditional ideas of men, but also of women, which have
been shaped for centuries: It must be made clear that no religion or
tradition can justify crime in the name of honour. Only in a society in
which both sexes live together on equal terms are the conditions given
for crimes in the name of honour to be completely eliminated. Even
if the legal aspect of the guilt principle, which is free of culturalist
prejudices and simplifications, ensures that the same law applies
to everyone and that the perpetrators are punished appropriately,
the aspect of the crime as a violation of human rights must not be