The Rise Of Insomnia Is At Its Peak: 6 Ways To Aid In Better Sleep.

With the global pandemic hitting us, closing the doors to physical interactions, and closing our home to be the new world, the level of emotional distress is inevitable. Due to this, the anxiety, stress, and depression rates have started increasing rapidly. But the biggest shock of all is the rate at which insomniac patients are sky-rocketing. Insomnia, Sleep apnea, and sleep-wake disorders are increasing. People are struggling to have quality sleep due to the huge pressure on them.

To help you achieve a night of better sleep and a sound mind and health, here are 6 ways for a better approach to life in this pandemic.

Start the day off right.

A good night’s sleep depends on a better start to your day. Try to have bright daylight exposure for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure your body has fully woken up. Do not operate any devices as they can mess with your sleep hormones which can ruin the quality of your sleep. Research says, meditation, journaling can also help your body to relax. Try to wake up and sleep at a particular time to make sure your body remains in a rhythm. Inconsistent timings can affect your sleep. If you still feel like you’re not doing enough, try to avoid taking naps. As it could create a hindrance to your routine.

Try taking supplements.

Taking supplements that can help in aiding for a night of better sleep can be a great approach. One good supplement available for coping with sleep disorders is the ambiem supplement. They are often used to treat insomnia too. Start with a small dose, and take it 30 minutes before sleeping.

To make your body adjust to it better, try taking it once a week, then increase it to 3 days a week. Talk to your healthcare provider before implementing it in your lifestyle. To make it easier, you can buy Ambien online too. Some other sleep supplements that can help are melatonin, Magnesium, and L-theanine supplements. All of these can be found at your nearest pharmacy or online.

Get in the mood to sleep.

A bed-time ritual can bring a great difference to the quality of your sleep. This includes blocking every device. You need to charge your phone to give it energy and rest. You need to do the same for yourself too. A bedtime ritual may include reading a book, journaling, and meditating. You want to make sure you do things that require you to focus and help to relax. You can also try drinking herbal tea 1 hour before bedtime, especially Chamomile tea, as it helps to promote good sleep and make you relax.

If you are someone who works late nights but still wants a good sleep, try to limit blue light intake by using apps that can help you to filter it. Blue light can mess with your sleep hormones, and it gets difficult to sleep. Before you sleep, get comfortable. Wear your casual clothes and get into the mood to have a good night’s sleep. Adapting this can help you see a positive sleep schedule in the long run.

Exercise regularly!

Believe it or not, exercise is your key to a good night’s sleep. Exercising helps to reduce symptoms of insomnia, delivering you some good fatigue which is good for sleep. Studies have shown that exercises help to reduce the time taken for people to fall asleep by 55%! It not only helps to get a good sleep but also keeps your overall health happy. Stress and anxiety levels also decrease help to keep you in a better mood.

However, it is not recommended to sleep right after exercising as hormones like adrenaline can keep your body alert and awake which can hamper your sleep. Try to keep a 2-hour interval between exercising and sleeping to be on the safe side, as studies have not shown a negative impact on this. But routine varies for different people.

Prepare for bed.

So, you are all set to go to bed, but is the location you are sleeping in, “sleep-friendly”? You will not get the best sleep by sleeping on a couch instead of bed right? So you must prepare your bed in a good way. Start by dimming the lights so as not to put any strain on the eyes. Next, eliminate any sounds. Close the windows, doors and switch off your TV, except for your alarm if you need it to wake up tomorrow. Lastly, choose a good pillow and blanket to sleep with. All these practices can help you get better sleep, despite the stress you are dealing with.

See your doctor.

The issue of falling asleep and having a quality rest can heavily depend on different factors. Your physical or mental health. Mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and stress can cause distress and hamper the quality of your sleep. At this point, you should look for a professional, therapist or try psychotherapy training to help you identify the issues that are destroying your sleep cycle.

Medical issues such as insomnia and sleep apnea can also be reasons for your distress and there are certain medications available to help maintain your sleep cycle. Hence, it is important to visit a doctor and discuss your problem, schedule and, lifestyle as the pandemic changed many things that gravely impacted our lives.

This pandemic can be overwhelming and stressful. Remember that you are a human to start with, so do not be hard on yourself. Take small steps into having a better sleep schedule and be proud of yourself with little achievements. The biggest way of achieving quality sleep is taking care. So, implement self-care, even if it is for an hour. Hope this article helps you cope with your sleep struggles and help to get rid of your problems. Thank you for reading.

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