Pure Himalayan Shilajit for Immunity boosting and bodybuilding

 In our body there are so many Metabolic activities that are always in action, so many physiological changes and functions are always in action but who is responsible for well performing functions and good physiological health is Immunity. Immunity is the main and most important factor for performing various chemical and physical functioning inside the body and Immunity is one of the main factors that is responsible for the physical well being of an individual. It improves, promotes and enhances the health of a person.

These days pollution is one of the major problems of so many breathing diseases, consuming chemical based products leads to bad gut health , consuming various preservatives decrease the functioning of Digestive system and just like these we are trapped by so many other things as well which affects our immune system. There are many brands available in the market, rasayanam is one of  top 10 shilajit brands, which sends medical certificates of their products too.

According to Ayurveda vyadhishamtavabala is known as Immunity. And in various samhitas according to different Acharya’s there is elaborated  content for different herbs which helps in boosting the immune system and maintaining the proper Metabolic activities inside the body.

They Improves and regenerates the body functions and built Strength, muscle mass, good defense mechanism against various diseases and microbes

According to Ayurveda there are a lot of descriptions about so many herbs that help in boosting up Immune system but one of the most effective minerals is Shilajit among them.

  • Shilajit- According to Ayurveda Shilajit has numerous health benefits. It is a mineral based extract which is very gummy and sticky and found in tar form in various regions of Himalayas. There is a long description available in ayurvedic which describes its usage, benefits and it also works so effectively in boosting Immunity. It consists of so many active components inside I which has great properties and potential such as it works as the great anti- oxidant ,anti- inflammatory which works at cellular level and Improves the function and activity of cells and makes a powerful defense mechanism against microbes and foreign body , it also works as anti- inflammatory which reduces the cell stress and excess amount of inflammation which causes diseases. It also reduces the chances of infections.
  • Shilajit- has anti- viral and anti- microbial properties which reduce the chances of infections. Those who get infected by such very frequently suffer from most of the diseases and ultimately their Immunity starts to become very much weak as Shilajit is anti- viral and microbial it reduces the infection and improves the immune system naturally. Besides this, shilajit benefits for women can be considered by the team of experts.
  • According to studies it is proved that Shilajit is great immunomodulator , means that if your immune system is not functioning properly then it will improve and enhance its functions at cellular levels , it not just helps in incredible the activities of weak immune system but if your immune system is hyperactive then it also reduce it’s functions. Ultimately it improves and balances it naturally.

In the market Shilajit is available but if you want to improve Immunity you need to consult a doctor first for the right dosage otherwise it may lead to side effects.

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