Lower Back Stretches To Eliminate Back Pain

Stretches should be part of our daily routine. We tend to overlook the impact that good stretching has on our body, especially in a world where many people suffer from pain and contractures.

Bad posture, stress, and 9 to 5 schedules don’t help either. This post will review lower back stretches to loosen your back and relieve pain. Finally, we’ll cover a handful of tips to prevent the back pain from appearing altogether. According to Global Health Physiotherapy Clinic in Toronto, these stretches cover the base minimum for loosening up your back and maintaining a healthy posture.

5 Best Stretches to Relieve Back Pain

1 Back Flexion Stretch

Lie on your back and pull both knees to the chest until you feel a comfortable stretch across the mid and low back. Keep your head and chest relaxed throughout the exercise.

It’s one of the easiest and most powerful exercises to relieve your soreness.

2 Child’s Pose

Rest your knees and hands on the ground. Sink your hips backward to rest them on your heels. Now extend your arms in front of your body and focus on deep breathing and relaxing your muscles.

You should notice how your back loosens and your entire body relaxes. Since this pose stretches your glutes and spinal extensor, it will relieve back pain.

3 Knee to Chest Stretch

You need to lie on your back for this exercise too. But your knees must be bent with both heels on the floor. Then place your hands behind the knee and pull it toward your chest.

When done correctly, you feel a stretch in the gluteus and the piriformis muscles, which sometimes cause lower back and leg pain.

4 Kneeling Lunge Stretch

Rest one knee on the floor and place the other foot flat on the ground, making sure to distribute the weight evenly. Place your hands on the top of the thigh and lean the body forward gently.

You should feel a stretch in the front of the opposite leg on your hip flexor muscles. These muscles attach to the pelvis, and when too tight, they can impact your posture and cause pain.

5 Cat-Cow

Come onto all fours and place your hands and knees on the floor. Press into your hands and look up to inhale and fill your belly with air. Then exhale while arching your spine toward the ceiling and tucking your chin into your chest.

This exercise stretches your spine, shoulders, neck, and chest. And it doesn’t compromise any part of your body, so anyone can perform it.

Tips to Prevent Back Pain

Now that we’ve reviewed lower back stretches to relieve pain, let’s take a look at tips to prevent the pain. According to WebMD, these are some of the best tips to remember:

1 Exercise More

Regular activity eases inflammation and muscle tension. Contrary to what one may think, laying on the bed and resting so as not to hurt your back isn’t the way to go.

2 Watch Your Weight

Being overweight can lead to a gravity center shift, which puts more strain on your lower back. This is particularly true if your extra pounds are located in the midsection.

Try not to go above 10 pounds of your ideal body weight.

3 Good Posture

Many people walk around with terrible posture without even noticing. Stand with your heels against a wall and make sure your shoulders, calves, buttocks, and your head touch the wall. That’s how you should stand.

When you’re sitting, don’t lean in for a closer view of the screen. Keep your back against the back of the chair and your feet on the floor.

4 Sleeping Positions

One of the best ways to sleep is sleeping on your back. But place a pillow under your knees and another under your lower back.

If you prefer sleeping on your side, try pulling up slightly your knees toward your chest.

5 Give Up on Heels

If you’re a woman that regularly wears high heels to work or meetings, it may be time to cut them off. These shoes shift your center of gravity, straining your lower back as a result. Wearing heels can lead to a number of reasons your feet hurt, which can be the source of back pain.

If you absolutely need to wear heels for dress code reasons, bring along low-heeled shoes in case you become uncomfortable.

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