How to Take Care of Yourself in Different Stages of Pregnancy

The duration of a woman’s pregnancy can be divided into 3 stages or trimesters. A pregnancy can last any where between 37 and 42 weeks. These weeks are divided into 3 trimesters of 12-13 weeks (roughly 3 months) each. Each trimester is characterized by different developments. Each trimester comes with its set of challenges. Thus, you will need a different type of care as you progress into the different stages of pregnancy. 

The First Trimester

The first 12 weeks are considered to be the first trimester. You may start noticing some symptoms in this early stage. Women experience the following changes through the first few weeks – tiredness, mood swings, headache, heartburn, food cravings, swollen breasts and morning sickness. It is not necessary that every woman will experience all of these symptoms. Each body is different. Thus, the symptoms seen in one woman may or may not be seen in other women. 

To stay healthy in your first trimester, eat nutritious food. Take prenatal vitamins for strength. Light exercise is good for the body. Keep your self hydrated. Makes sure you take enough calories. 

If you are not already following a healthy lifestyle, you may have to make a few changes after your pregnancy is confirmed. Stay away from alcohol, smoking, excess caffeine. Try to avoid strenuous exercise. Pregnant women must stay away from cat litter as it can be harmful to the foetus.

The second trimester

The weeks from 13 to 28 form the second trimester. Some symptoms from the previous trimester may go away now. However, new symptoms appear. These are more noticeable. Your body expands to accommodate the growth of the baby. You can also start feeling the baby’s movement, in this trimester. 

Symptoms in this stage includes welling of ankles, fingers and face, aches in different parts of the body, numbness or a tingling feeling in your hands and dark patches on the face. You may notice stretchmarks on your thighs and abdomen. 

Women usually complain of heartburn and constipation in this trimester. Water and dark leafy vegetables provide some relief. If it doesn’t get better, your doctor will prescribe medicines for the same.

Exercise during pregnancy is recommended only if you led an active lifestyle before pregnancy. If not, incorporate yoga or light stretching exercises in your routine. For those wholed a sedentary lifestyle, rigorous workouts during pregnancy are a big no-no.

The third trimester

The last couple of weeks (29 – 40) are considered to be the third and the final trimester. Several symptoms from the second trimester will continue. The growth of the baby will exert pressure on your organs and thus, you may want to visit the bath room often. Along with the symptoms from the previous trimester, you may experience shortness of breath and haemorrhoids. You may also have trouble sleeping. Keep track of the movements of your baby. These are a sign that it is healthy and has normal growth. 

If you do not experience any welling or pain, stay active. Do your Kegels. Maintain good dental hygiene. It is important to be well-rested. So, get plenty of sleep. 

As you approach your due date, it is best to avoid long hours of travel. If you have to travel, make sure you stretch your legs in regular intervals. Your doctor may also ask you to avoid some prescriptions drugs when you enter this trimester. 

The different stages of pregnancy can be demanding. However, when equipped with the right information, you can try your best to minimize the effect of your symptoms. Whatever stage you are in, follow a healthy lifestyle for a safe pregnancy.  

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