Introduction to Nanotechnology Applications

Nanotechnology – the latest advancement in the world of sciences refers to the constructing and engineering of the systems ion function at very micro level. It is used to advance the present systems by implementing the new concepts related to the particular field. The ability to see nano-sized materials has opened up a world of possibilities in a variety of industries and scientific endeavors. Because nanotechnology is essentially a set of techniques that allow manipulation of properties at a very small scale, it has many applications, such as the ones listed below.


Drug delivery: Transfer of drug to the specific cells of human body using nanoparticles is another dynamic application of nanotechnology. Different parts of body can be treated individually by transmitting drug molecules to that part only without interfering the whole body. Accurate quantity of live saving drugs can be selected by viewing the reactions of the combined molecules with the help of nanotech machines.
Applications in chemistry: Nanotechnology is used for exploring the chemical reactions in the field of chemistry. Many stimulation models are based on chemical reactions such as nuclear reactor, robot power and many more. In the world of chemical sciences energy producers frequently uses nanotechnology to better understand the reactions, requirements and strengths of their machines.

Semiconductors: Nano amplification and chip embedding is used for building semiconductor devices which can even maintain and neutralize the electric flow. Now engineers are using integrated nano-circuits in their silicon chips to reduce the size of the processors.

Diagnosis: Nanotech chip can easily detect the disease in early stages and it can tell what exact stage of fatal disease like cancer is going on by scanning the human body cells. Its atomic functioning makes it more reliable than other technologies in the market.

The other fields of nanotechnology applications include communication sector, memory storage, application in construction, food industry and cosmetics.

Even though current applications of nanotechnology might seem rather crude, they are advancing what one can achieve in significant ways. Future applications will become increasingly sophisticated, giving scientists and engineers the ability to tackle challenging problems that affect us all – including treating cancer, generating clean/renewable energy, and providing clean water anytime, anyplace. Perhaps the greatest challenge to benefiting from nanotechnology is having the foresight to develop and use it wisely.

Journal of Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology

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