Bacteria Contained Smokeless Tobacco Products can be a Health Concern

Smokeless Tobacco is defined as a tobacco product used by the means of other than smoking. It can help by chewing, sniffing, placing the product between the teeth and gum, or application to the skin. Types of Smokeless Tobacco are Dipping tobacco, Chewing tobacco, Iqmik, Snuff, Snus, Creamy snuff, Naswār, Gutka, Dissolvable tobacco and Topical tobacco paste.


It plays a major problem in USA now a days, about 8 million people are used this smokeless tobacco. The main aim of this study to now the basic potential microbiological risks associated by using this smokeless tobacco product and what is the prevention of it.

Several bacteria’s goes through this product among that both Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus pumilus plays a vital role to cause inflammation of the lungs, as well as opportunistic infections. Many other bacillus species also present health concerns. Other species identified as causative agents in spice-related outbreaks of diarrhea and vomiting. Further, they produce a mild toxin which, in large quantities could cause illness.

Some bacillus like Stapphylococccus epidermidis and Staphylococcus hominis strains can convert nitrates to nitrites, which can potentially lead to formation of carcinogenic, tobacco-specific N’-nitrosamines within the tobacco products. This mainly happened when the users hold this product in mouth as long by contacting with mucus membrane to allow nicotine to pass in the bloodstream. When this happen the tobacco contained bacteria exposed to human beings.

Due to this several other problems generates as gingivitis and other oral health issues that are caused by the smokeless tobacco products. The gum disease, oral issues enables bacterial entry into the bloodstream, which is how they could arrive at the heart.

This study is can be useful for further researchers and can fulfill the changes in prevention of Bacteria in Smokeless tobacco products.

Journal of Plant Biology & Soil Health

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