Teenage Hair loss- How to prevent hair loss in teenage guys

In whatever part of the age we are hair loss is alarming for many things and it causes a reason for embarrassment and lowered self-esteem. Loss of hair is often considered a problem only old persons need to focus on it. But research shows that there is also a large number of teens who are facing the problem of hair loose. In teenagers, this type of problem shows that something’s not good going on like a deficiency of a vitamin or any type of imbalance in hormones. For teens, hair loss can be terrifying one of the reasons is it shows them elder than their age. There can be many causes of hair loss in teenage males sometimes it may be because of any type of medical treatment like chemotherapy or sometimes it causes because of using hair fashioning ingredients i.e. gel etc. that contain harming chemicals. Hair loss in teenage girls is more stressful for them because it is an important part of their glamour. One of the best things about all of these problems to mention is that teenage hair can be recovered easily. Fortunately, this temporary damage of hair can be covered and the hair will come back after the main reason for its cause is treated in the best possible way.

Overview of Hair

Before knowing the causes of hair loss in teenage males and how to prevent hair loss for teenage guys let’s first try to understand the basis of this gift (Hair) that nature has given to all humans to increase their glamour.

Except for hand palm, our eyelids, and belly buttons and the feet soles, hair produced naturally everywhere on the human skin and these hairs are so thick they’re viewed clearly. Hair is produced by protein type known as keratin. Each hair is consists of the shaft (the pair we can see), a root that is inside the body skin, and follicle. The follicle can be explained as part of the human body where the root of hair develops. In follicle it’s lower-end contains a hair bulb. This is a place of origin where the melanin of hair is produced. According to the research of the American hair loss association, every person loses approximately 50 to 100 hairs of head per day. The lost or broken hairs are regained and they produce again in that follicle from were they broken after pushing the old cells on anyone’s head. No need to worry about it because generally, an adult carries 100000 to 150,000 hairs on their heads and this type of damage of hair is not abnormal and part of natural reproduction. But if this amount increases from a specified number then it’s a stage to think that something not right. Let us elaborate a little more on this natural phenomenon of reproduction more so you can easily understand it.

As we now know that follicles produce new hair cells but this production has a complete procedure that varies with adolescence, defect, and many factors. Advance medical science divide this cycle into three parts anagen, catagen, and telogen.

Anagen — Efficient development of hair as compared to catagen and telogen that generally remains for two to eight years

Catagen — short transitional hair growth cycle in-between between anagen and telogen lasts no more than 3 weeks

Telogen — is the term of resting phase that remains about two or three months; A new hair takes place of it and the developing cycle proceeds again.

Causes of hair loss in teenage males

Hair is an important part of human personality that without any doubt attracts other attention toward us. Hair loss in teenage males can cause many problems for them often result in loss of confidence and ability to compete with the same age members. This problem is easy to solve if we focus to understand the causes of hair loss in teenage males and then apply the solution according to it. Below there are common causes that can be helpful to find out the actual reason for your hair fall.

Certain Medications       

All of the above reasons for hair loss in teenage males are the use of certain medicines that doctors suggest to them for a general problem like antibiotics for the treatment of depression. These medicines sometimes not suit the human immune system and have an unpleasant effect on humans in the shape of hair loss. Maximum youth are facing acne and relatively many of them facing depression for different reasons, this cause of hair loss is quite common.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a term that is used to describe an irregularity of immune in which the body’s immune systems harm your hair follicles. This leads to bald patches that are roundly covered the scalp. Alopecia areata is quite frequent and It’s an assumption that 1 in among 50 humans will experience some degree of this disease at any point in life. This is not a permanent hair loss and after proper treatment hairs grow back.


Trichotillomania is a psychological disease that causes by compulsively pulling hair by peoples themselves. It seems unusual but about a large number of peoples are affected by this condition and generally children under the ages of 13 who are affected by it. Those peoples who are suffering from trichotillomania basically requires mental health professionals who can help them to stop this self-harming attitude and develop the growth of hair.

Traction Alopecia                  

The youth of the present century is more advance and they try to acquire all fashion that distinguishes them from others. One of the parts of this fashion is certain hairstyles that include hard Buns. It often causes traction alopecia that damaged hair follicles and one of the causes of hair loss in teenage males.

Poor Diet 

Teenagers always remain not careful about eating habits. Proper eating habits make the body healthy and functioning properly. Eating unhealthy fast foods that have certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies, cause thinning of hair and hair loss in teenage males.


Changes in the body during childhood to teenage, pressure of school, and social responsibilities create stress and pressure for teenagers. No doubt, stress is also a major factor for hair loss.

Causes of hair loss in teenage girls

Hair loss in teenage girls can create a sense of trauma for them because hairs are the prime of a girl’s life. However, hair fall can be caused by any reason and it’s possible to cure it with careful treatment.

Hormones Imbalances

As the girls enter the teenage, they face many changes in their body including hormones. These hormones then also affect their eating habits, emotions, and growth of hair.

In humans, hormones are the root reason for hair loss, and it is easy to understand for everyone how hormonal imbalances cause this problem. Dihydrotestosterone is the type of hormone that causes hair loss in teenage girls. Testosterone along with enzyme found in hair’s oil glands converts to DHT. After it, DHT started to damaging the follicles, causing hair loss. Until the hormones are not come in balance again teenage face this hair loss continuously.


The medications especially those which affect the hormones cause loss of hair in teenage girls. Many teenagers preferred to use control pills for PCOS or cure acne which eventually causes the thinning of hairs. In fact, in some cases, doctors suggest these types of pills help teens to get rid of the growth of hairs on different parts of their bodies. High doses of vitamin A and other medicine like anticoagulants can also cause hair damage.


To look better according to the latest trends and fashions girls often used chemical-based treatment like bleaching, dying, and tight hairstyles. Using heat tools for the straightening of hairs and blow dryers’ daily causes hair strands to break off.

Poor nutrition

Teens can do everything for improving their look but often they not give attention to the importance of nutrition by healthy food in a strong growth of hair. They preferred to eat fast food that is full of starch but empty of vitamins. In this case, the body faces the lack of nutrition that is necessary for a healthy life and the proper growth of hairs.

How to prevent hair loss for teenage guys

Take Natural Hair Growth Products:

If you are losing hair the fast way to prevent hair loss is to take natural hair growth products. There are different kinds of natural products available in the market like tablets, shampoos, conditioners, and oils.

Wash hair regularly 

Make the habit to keep the hair clean by washing regularly without the use of shampoo containing sulfate. After it brushes the hair gently by applying nourishing oils, such as argan, etc. It will keep your hair shining and healthy.

Take a Healthy Diet

Teens should develop a balance in their diet. They should include those things in their diets like fruit and vegetable which are full of omega 3 fatty acids and biotin that has been found particularly useful for hair. Root hair also needs a lot of water for healthy growth. To maintain the level of water for all parts of the body develop a habit of drinking 8 liters water in a day.

Reduce Stress

Engage yourself in healthy physical exercise daily. Meditate, swim for 30 minutes daily, sleep on time, and also include sports and other activities that give gives you a chance of fun in your schedule. These types of activities will help to balance the hormones in the body decrease the level of stress and also hair loss

Treatment from Physician

If you are not sure about the actual reason for hair loss. Then test for vitamin deficiencies and speak to your doctor to assess the main issue and for proper treatment.

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