Technology Trends to Prevent Prescription Errors

Technology has altered many medical practices. Many systems are now part of an increasingly interfaced or integrated healthcare system, allowing medical professionals to control every step of their practice.

The availability of data for addressing and preventing adverse medication events has increased as a result of the meaningful use of automated distribution cabinet databases, electronic data exchange, and smart medical technology.

The use of these systems has resulted in a data-rich environment for storing and retrieving reporting. That’s why using technology in the medical field has become the number one way to prevent prescription errors.

Below, we have listed some of the best technology trends medical professionals can use to prevent prescription errors.

Install a Software Solution

Technology solutions are useful in pinpointing the exact error, allowing medical teams to quickly formulate corrective action plans.

This enables data to be organized in ways that highlight areas for improvement while also preventing future incidents such as medication errors from occurring.

Health information technology (HIT) is a critical tool for improving patient outcomes. Using a software solution for patient safety and incident reporting provides a centralized, easily accessible channel for team communication.

Using this technology, medical professionals can track medication errors more easily and identify trends over time.

Use Online Information to Prevent Prescription Errors

Today, the internet has become an essential resource for healthcare professionals to ensure they have the most accurate information when prescribing medications.

Additionally, the prescribing information for different pills online is often better regulated and more up-to-date than what can be found in print form.

Therefore, technology serves as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals who must stay current with research related to medications and their impacts on patients’ conditions.

Online information for healthcare professionals has completely changed how medical professionals do their job. Despite the advanced education you completed for your license, daily practice is filled with times when using information online is appropriate.

From the presence of unusual symptoms to rare diseases, or unexpected drug interactions, this is all information you can find online.

Use Computerised Physician Order Entry

Computerized physician order entry (CPOE)is a program that allows physicians to enter orders online. This system has most likely had the greatest impact on reducing medication errors of any automated intervention.

Ordering computerization improves safety in several ways. First, all orders are structured so that they must include a dose, route, and frequency.

Second, they are legible and the patient can be identified in all instances. Third, information can be provided to the patient throughout the process.

And finally, all orders can be checked for a variety of problems such as allergies, drug interactions, overly high doses, and drug-laboratory problems.

Bar Coding

Barcoding of drugs has proven to be useful for reducing error rates. It reduces error rates to about a sixth of those caused by keyboard entry and is less stressful for workers.

Barcoding can quickly ensure that the drug in question is the intended one, and it can also be used to track who is giving and receiving it, as well as different time intervals.

In addition, more pharmacists are beginning to use barcode scanning technology to verify the identity and dosage of medications given to patients.

In hospitals, providers can scan a barcode on the medication as well as the patient’s wristband to ensure that the correct medication is given to the correct patient.

Automated Dispensing Systems

Automated dispensing devices can store drugs in a specific location and dispense them only to a specific patient.

Such devices, especially when linked with barcoding and interfaced with hospital information systems, can significantly reduce medication error rates.

Automated Medication Administration Record

The medication administration record, on which the medical professionals who administer drugs record, is another important part of the medication use process.

Computerization of this part of the process, particularly if linked to computerized order entry, has the potential to reduce problems and detect other types of errors relating to the quantities of drugs to be taken as needed.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, medical professionals must intentionally use data to prevent medication errors. Using technology in the medication administration process in an increasingly interconnected system contributes to the common goal of effective and safe medication administration.

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