How Can You Use Delta 9 THC Oil For Pain Relief?

If you have chronic pain, there’s no doubt that you’ve tried everything to get relief. You’ve probably seen the news stories about how medical cannabis can help relieve pain and other symptoms, but what if you’re not a fan of smoking or don’t want to ingest edibles? Luckily, there are options for those who want to try medical cannabis in new ways — like sprays, capsules, and even vape pens! But before we get into them, let’s talk about exactly Delta 9 THC oil.

What Is Delta 9 THC?

Delta 9 THC is a compound found in cannabis and helps create the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana. Delta 9 THC is what gives you the “high” feeling when smoking or eating cannabis. It has been found to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and help with sleep problems like insomnia.

Delta 9 THC does not get you “stoned” like other drugs such as opiates because it only affects receptors in your brain called CB1 receptors that don’t have many functions outside of pleasure-seeking behavior. While it doesn’t affect your ability to think clearly or remember things well as opiates do, it does make you feel relaxed and happy, which can help relieve stress caused by chronic pain.

How Can You Use Delta 9 THC Oil?

The most common way to use THC oil is by smoking it. You can also use a vaporizer, making it easier to get the proper dosage and avoid inhaling harmful smoke. You should generally start with a small dose (5-10 mg) and then wait 60 minutes to see if you feel any effects.

If not, take another 5-10mg dose and wait for an hour or two before taking another dose if necessary. The maximum daily dose is 40mg per day. Some people may experience side effects such as dizziness, red eyes, or upset stomach; however, these usually go away after a few days of regular use as your body gets used to the medication.

If you don’t feel any improvement after several weeks of using Delta 9 THC Oil, then speak with your doctor about other options for pain relief that could help manage your condition better than delta 9 does on its own.

Here’s How You Can Use Delta 9 THC Oil For Pain Relief

1.     Edibles

It’s pretty simple to make edibles. You simply add your Delta 9 THC oil to any food-based products you like. If you want to get more creative, plenty of recipes out there use oil as an ingredient. It can add a nice kick of flavor and help enhance the effects of other ingredients in your recipe. Some people have even used it in ice cream or brownies, but we don’t recommend overdoing it on edibles since they’re much more potent than smoking or vaping cannabis oils.

It takes about 45 minutes to start feeling any effects from eating an edible, but once they kick in, they’ll be more potent than smoking or vaping because they go through the digestive system before hitting your bloodstream—so be careful! If you eat too many at once (or whatever amount is right for you), try drinking some water and waiting another hour before having another serving of edibles if needed—you should feel better after that time has passed without getting too high again.

2.     Sprays

Sprays are a great way to get your dose of Delta 9 THC oil into your system. They’re fast-acting, discreet, and easy to travel with. The spray method is also easy to dose as well as a store because it only takes one or two squirts in the mouth, which means less waste than other methods that require you to use more product at once.

Although sprays are convenient and efficient, they aren’t necessarily the most comfortable method of using Delta 9 THC oil. They can cause irritation if sprayed directly into the throat and tend not to taste very good, either.

3.     Capsules Or Pills

If you’re looking to get the benefits of THC without smoking, take a look at capsules and pills. They are an easy way to consume delta-9-THC oil for pain relief and other health benefits.

You can buy these products at most dispensaries or online in pre-measured doses that make them easier to use than edibles (which have different potency levels depending on the recipe).

You can also find them in larger quantities, providing many servings for less money than repeatedly buying smaller bottles over time. Capsules and pills are also discreet – perfect if you need something small to fit in your pocket or purse.

4.     Vape Pens Or Inhalers

Vape pens are a convenient and discreet way to use THC oil. Vape pens are a great way to get the benefits of THC oil without the strong smell of smoke. You can control the dosage, which is essential for pain relief.

Vape pens come in all shapes and sizes, but generally, there’s a heating element that vaporizes the oil, which then turns into a vapor you inhale through the mouthpiece or nose cone on top of your pen.

The Legality Of Delta 9 THC Oil

Delta 9 THC remains illegal at federal level in the USA. However, there are restrictions on who can purchase it and how much they can have. You should check the laws of your state to determine whether you need a prescription for delta-9 THC oil or not.

Some states require a doctor’s visit before you can buy any amount, while others require a prescription from your doctor to buy more than 2 ounces at one time or possess more than 8 ounces at one time.

Bottom Line

In summary, the benefits of Delta 9 THC oil for pain relief are clear. In addition to being a non-psychoactive and natural alternative to prescription medications, it has been shown to positively affect pain in patients with cancer or other conditions that cause chronic pain. If you’re dealing with chronic pain or discomfort yourself, we recommend starting with an edible product so you can enjoy the effects of this wonderful medicine in its purest form without any unnecessary additives or fillers added by third parties along their supply chain.

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