7 Tips to Overcome Common Challenges in Learning General Chemistry

According to C&EN, due to its significance in several science fields, such as medicine, general chemistry is a fundamental course taught in most universities, making it one of the largest classes offered. 

A study conducted by analyzing student data from 15 years of general chemistry classes at a university found that over 25,000 students took at least one course in the three-course general chemistry sequence between 2001-2016. The study did not include students whose programs required only the first course in the sequence.

If you’re taking a general chemistry class, you’re likely feeling some pressure. After all, this is a foundational course that’s important for many other classes and majors. So how can you stay motivated when you’re faced with the challenge of learning general chemistry? 

We’ve got the answers here.

Understanding the Language of Chemistry

One of the common challenges in learning general chemistry is understanding the language used in the subject. Chemistry has its own set of symbols, formulas, and terminology, which can be overwhelming for beginners. It’s essential to understand the meaning of chemical symbols and formulas, as well as the language used in chemical equations, to master the subject. 

Additionally, learning the periodic table is crucial to understand the properties of elements and their interactions. One effective way to overcome this challenge is to practice regularly and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed.

Grasping Abstract Concepts

Another common challenge in learning general chemistry is grasping abstract concepts. Chemistry involves understanding the behavior and interactions of tiny particles that are not visible to the naked eye. This can be difficult for some students who may struggle to visualize or conceptualize these abstract ideas. 

To overcome this challenge, students should focus on building a strong foundation in the basic concepts and principles of chemistry. Visual aids such as diagrams and animations can also help understand abstract concepts. Additionally, students should actively engage in problem-solving and practice to reinforce their understanding of the subject.

Managing Math and Calculations

Math and calculations play a significant role in general chemistry, making it a challenging subject for some students. From balancing chemical equations to calculating reaction rates, the subject requires a strong foundation in math skills. 

One way to manage this challenge is to practice regularly and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed. Students can also use online resources such as math and chemistry software, which can help them visualize complex concepts and perform calculations more efficiently. 

Another helpful strategy is to break down problems into smaller, more manageable parts and use problem-solving techniques such as dimensional analysis.

Finding Resources and Support

One of the biggest challenges when learning general chemistry is finding the right resources and support. It can be difficult to understand complex concepts without access to quality educational materials or a support system to help you through difficult topics. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help students overcome this challenge.

General chemistry online learning platforms are a great option for students learning chemistry. They provide access to a wealth of resources, including video lectures, practice problems, and interactive simulations. One example of an online resource is Proprep. It offers educational resources, including video tutorials, practice problems, and study guides, to support students in learning general chemistry. 

Platforms like Proprep offer personalized tutoring to help students master general chemistry concepts. Additionally, students can also find support through their school’s tutoring or academic resource center, chemistry study groups, or private tutors.

Time Management

Effective time management is essential for mastering general chemistry. The subject requires consistent effort, practice, and study time to understand the concepts and memorize formulas. To manage time effectively, students should develop a study schedule and prioritize their tasks. 

Readwrite notes that the Pomodoro technique is a popular productivity strategy that assists individuals in effectively managing their available time. This technique involves breaking down available time or tasks into 25-minute intervals, known as Pomodoros, followed by a 5-minute break. 

After every four Pomodoros, a longer break of 15-20 minutes is recommended. By following this approach, individuals can better focus their efforts on specific tasks and take regular breaks to refresh and re-energize themselves.

Breaking down larger topics into smaller subtopics and reviewing them regularly can also help to better manage time and stay on top of the material.

Memorizing Information

Memorizing information is an important aspect of learning general chemistry. There are various strategies that students can use to improve their memory, such as repetition, summarizing, and creating visual aids. Flashcards and mnemonics can also be effective tools for memorizing formulas and equations. 

Students should also try to understand the concepts behind the information they are memorizing, as this can help them retain it better. Regular review and self-testing can reinforce the information in the memory and prevent forgetting. It’s important to avoid cramming, as this can lead to short-term retention and hinder long-term learning.

Staying Motivated

Staying motivated is a key factor in overcoming challenges while learning general chemistry. This subject requires a significant amount of time, effort, and dedication to grasp the concepts effectively. To stay motivated, it is essential to set achievable goals, track progress, and reward oneself after reaching milestones. 

According to the University of Colorado Boulder, one way to stay motivated is to engage in classroom discussions and participate actively to remain focused on the learning material and establish connections. You can form relationships with your professor and other students in the process. 

Arriving prepared for class will make it easier to ask questions related to the study material. You can participate in group discussions by expressing your opinions or concepts. If speaking up in class is daunting, practice asking questions or sharing ideas in front of the mirror at home to boost your self-assurance.


As you can see, general chemistry is a challenging subject to learn. However, with the right approach and strategy, you can make it much easier on yourself. By taking advantage of the tips we’ve provided here today, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this course.

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